Northern Frontier Camp

Building a Legacy for the Next Generation

Over fifty years ago, the first team of volunteers arrived on the property where Northern Frontier now resides. Many of the buildings they raised are still being used today thanks to the hard work of the many hands who built them. Through the decades, we have seen God provide for this ministry in big ways. Due to the generous hearts of our friends, alumni, and donors, we were able to purchase the land and secure a legacy for future generations. In light of that providence, we are responsible for being faithful stewards of God’s gift and building a legacy for the next generation. Our campaign goals are growing our relationships, improving our facilities, and developing our ministry programs to prepare us for the next fifty years.


$654,000 of $2,000,0000






The Lodge will be a fully furnished retreat center built into the side of the hill near the entrance to the camp road. Inside will be a total of twenty beds split between two large sleeping rooms, an open kitchen with dining space, a comfortable meeting area, a living room featuring a grand fireplace, additional space, and storage in the basement, a two car garage, and a covered deck. During the off-season, this lodge will be available for Christian Service Brigade units and other like-minded Christian ministries, youth groups, small men’s groups, ministry leader retreats, missionaries on furlough, and alumni as a weekend retreat in the Adirondacks.

In the past, the existing lodge (known as the Niabi lodge) has been used by families and staff to supplement what we lack with in-camp housing. However, the building is not up to code for regular use for minors and the cost of renovating it is excessive. While we will continue to use existing lodge as a welcome center for camp on Saturdays, it is our vision to build upon our existing ministry offerings by creating new opportunities and opening up Northern Frontier beyond the summer months. As mentioned above, the lodge will be open for outside like-minded groups and will allow Northern Frontier to plan for off-season programming and allow us housing during the summer for our current and future leadership programs.

These improvements will strengthen our ministry as God continues to bless the legacy of Northern Frontier Camp. Since 1946 we have been partnering with local churches, Christian Service Brigade, and four generations of families to make an impact in the lives of boys and men. Our vision is to see men, husbands, fathers become godly leaders of the future. We desire marriages, families, businesses, and communities to be led and discipled by leaders who know and love Jesus Christ. We have had the joy of being part of God’s plan for seventy-three years and with your contributions, we will be ready to equip the next generation!

Join us as we begin to plow new ground for Northern Frontier Camp. With your contribution, we will increase our ministry in the lives of boys and men through Christ-centered camping. We ask that you prayerfully consider impacting our vision for the LEGACY campaign as we walk forward to the far horizon!

legacy gallery